Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Amateur Hour

Citizen journalism is news, community news, information and content generated by users and readers of various media platforms; the digital age has made citizen journalism even more accessible for those with a computer and internet access- now you can discuss your thoughts and opinions on current affairs, international happenings, or local issues. Blogs, like this one, are just one of the ways you can facilitate discussion online.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

FIFA’s Freedom Farce

Now I’m not one to be negative; the 2010 FIFA World Cup was phenomenal, and South Africa truly made us proud, but I recently heard someone refer to the next hosting nation as “unlucky”, and the more I think about the stress that lead up to the event, the more I realise that we were in a very unsymbiotic relationship.

FIFA created a big show and dance of 'granting' Africa its very first soccer world cup- Africa is then expected to bow down to the great football Gods in astonishment. And from there on it was a chaotic scramble to meet Mr Blatter’s demands. Where did this leave South African media?